1/2 of an AR15

4 Replies, 2095 Views

I was hoping the forum was titled ‘AR Rifles’. And I was hoping to rifle some feathers (see what I did there?). Sadly, Rocketfoot called all those forums by the full ‘AR15’ moniker… So, here it is, ignominiously, in the plain old ‘Rifles’ forum.

The kids are headed out on a canoeing trip, so I’m sending an AR with them. For squirrels. Not an AR15, only 1/2 of an AR15

[Image: IMG-4037.jpg]

[Image: IMG-4038.jpg]

[Image: IMG-4039.jpg]
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They are nice little smoke poles
Until Henry bought the license to make them. Now they're sleeved plastic barrels, but they do still work.
I’m not sure when Dad brought this one- I’m guessing around 60 years ago
Closer to 15/32 of an ar15.
Nice piece!
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