(12-17-2023, 03:18 PM)tommag Wrote: By the way, I thought a sucking chest wound was the lungs getting air from the wound. Turns out the diaphragm is getting air from the wound and overpowering the lungs. Boy was I ignorant! That info was invaluable to me.
From what I understand the military has gone away with IV portion of self aid/buddy care and left it up to the medics, they were causing problems by always doing IV’s not to mention the idiots doing them for rehydration after a night out at the bar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tubing someone also requires specialized training as it’s stupid easy to get the tube in the stomach and killing the person
A sucking chest wound is insane in person just like a fail chest
Stop the bleed classes are very good as are some medical depending on the subject matter and the instructor
not all TQ are created equal & you need to know the good ones and how to apply them