A rambling post on anti Jewish sentiment.

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Given the amazing rise of anti Isreal protests here and abroad, I'm struck by the pro Hamas crap going on. Queers for Palestine?!!! Yeah, expose your proclivities in Gaza and see how many Palestinians for queers there are. A friend of mine summed it up quite well, at least as it applies in America.  The kids have been programmed to see oppressed/ oppressed and whites are the oppressors. The darker you are, the more oppressed you are. I don't think they know there are Jews from Ethiopia, etc. and only see oshkanazi Jews which are European ethnically, hence white.
Even a close friend of mine who is conservative is questioning. He, like me, has had business dealings with American Jews. He found his interactions to be unpleasant. (I found my experiences to be ok, hard negotiations, but satisfactory.) He thinks if all their neighbors hate them, there must be a reason. I tried to explain the historical hatred and the obviously false blood libels (Jews drinking Arab children's blood, etc.) but I don't think I got through to him.  I told him that in my lifetime, I've seen more horrendous behavior from Arabians/ Persians, especially philistines than Israelis, going back to the Munich Olympics in 72.
As for me, I read somewhere, "I will bless those who bless you Israel, and curse those who curse you."
Seems pretty clear to me.
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2023, 10:19 PM by tommag.)
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A rambling post on anti Jewish sentiment. - by tommag - 11-02-2023, 10:17 PM

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