A rambling post on anti Jewish sentiment.

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(11-06-2023, 10:16 PM)tommag Wrote:
(11-06-2023, 07:17 AM)RocketFoot Wrote: Palestine should be absorbed into Israel after Hamas is exterminated but I don't think the Palestinians will ever absorb into Israel peacefully or willingly!
Palestinians (philistines?) aren't welcome anywhere in the Arab world. Iirc, King Hussein let them into Jordan and they were such a headache he had to force them back out. It seems to me they are useful as propoganda and surrogate soldiers, but piss poor as neighbors. Exterminate Hamas and others will take over to fight 

20 July 1951 the king of Jordan was assassinated by a Palestine and ever since Jordan wants nothing to do with them 

they are raised from birth that Israel is bad, the enemy and it’s a honor to die killing them.

The level of indoctrination & programing they get from birth makes most Americans say it does not exist as they can’t grasp the depth of hatred towards Israel Palestine has

even the non combatants/citizens support Hamas and believe in them & then Islam is twisted into this hate like a dna strand 

None of the Arab countries want Palestine citizens & are refusing the refugees, watch and see what any country gets if the accept them

now Israel is saying they will manage/oversee Palestine after the war & the rebuilding of the country

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RE: A rambling post on anti Jewish sentiment. - by Rampy - 11-06-2023, 11:06 PM

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