California CCW Practical Test…….WTF……

7 Replies, 1615 Views

Been reading about the different practical tests citizens are required to shoot & pass to get a Kalif CcW 

Some of them are harder & more rounds fired than the local law enforcement dept 

Here is one ludicrous example and it’s designed so you will fail 

Santa Cruz County

Course of fire - Each individual shall discharge 50 rounds a minimum of 2 times and minimally include the following: (All stages are unsupported)

Stage 1 15 yards 6 rounds in 30 seconds
5 rounds in 30 seconds

Stage 2 7 yards 14 rounds in 45 seconds (includes 2 reloads) (load 6,6 &2)
-or- for 5 shot handgun
15 rounds in 45 seconds
(load 5,5,5 for 5 shot handgun)

Stage 3 7 yards 6 rounds in 10 seconds
5 rounds in 10 seconds for 5-shot handgun

Stage 4 7 yards 12 rounds in 25 seconds including reload
(6 strong hand unsupported, reload 6 and 6 weak hand unsupported)
-or- for 5-shot handgun
10 rounds in 25 seconds
(5 strong hand unsupported, reload 5 and 5 weak hand unsupported)

Stage 5 5 yards 6 rounds (3 rounds in 4 seconds X 2 stages)
-or- for 5-shot handgun
5 rounds (3 rounds in 4 seconds, then 2 rounds in 4 seconds)

Stage 6 3 yards 6 rounds (3 rounds in 3 seconds X 2 stages)
-or- 5-shot handgun
5 rounds (3 rounds in 3 seconds, then 2 rounds in 3 seconds)

NOTE- When utilizing a 5-shot handgun, the above standards add up to 45 rounds fired. The additional 5 rounds may be inserted into the course of fire at the instructor’s discretion.

B. Scoring- The first course of 50 rounds discharged shall be considered practice. The second course of 50 rounds discharged shall be used for scoring.

a. Silhouette targets shall be used. A 5-point score shall be granted for each round discharged inside of the seven (7) ring (center mass).
b. Each individual shall qualify with a minimum of an 80% score (200 out of 250 points) on the scoring segment.
c. Each individual shall be informed by the instructor whether their score passes or fails.
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The instructor should be required to demonstrate each stage first.

[-] The following 4 users Like specops56's post:
That's almost identical to the qualification I just did with my old agency, without the practice 50 rounds first.
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(05-28-2024, 08:59 AM)olfart Wrote: That's almost identical to the qualification I just did with my old agency, without the practice 50 rounds first.

One SO I shot wit, 5 rds no time limit 7meters, it was set up for retirees to not fail……

Forget the PD up north I shot with, it was something like 35rds strong side, weak side, reloading & shooting while moving 

this is what the PD has retirees shooting & they have computer controlled spinning targets. They sent the course out 2 months earl recommending shooters practice the course of fire. 

Plainclothes Qualification Course

1. 15 yards Draw and fire 4 rounds from any position. 10 sec.

2. 10 yards Draw and fire 2 rounds from behind one side of the barricade, perform a
speed reload, and fire more 2 rounds from the other side of barricade. 15 sec.

3. a. 7 yards Draw and fire 2 rounds, then assume a ready position and remain at the ready
until the target faces again. 3 sec.
3. b. 7 yards From the ready position, fire 2 rounds when the target faces. 2 sec.

4. a. 5 yards Draw and fire 2 rounds while stepping to the Right. 4 sec.
4. b. 5 yards Draw and fire 2 rounds while stepping to the Left. 4 sec.
4. c. 5 yards Draw and fire 3 rounds, one-handed (strong-side hand only). 4 sec.

5. 3 yards Draw and fire a failure drill: 2 rounds center mass, 1 round to the head. 4 sec.

6. 1 yard Draw and fire a 3-round retention drill: 1 round fired from retention,
and 2 more rounds from full-extension while stepping back behind the gun. 3 sec.

The target is the IPSC/USPSA cardboard silhouette. There are 100 points possible. 80 points are required to pass.
[-] The following 2 users Like Rampy's post:
We shoot from the 3, 7, 15 and 25 yard lines. 12 rounds from the 25 untimed is where most of the misses show up. Wish we had turning targets, but we're a small agency with no budget.
[-] The following 3 users Like olfart's post:
Still no testing for ccw in Washington other than a background check and something like $35 for 5 years. Surely this is just an oversight on the part of our freedom loving legislature. The way they're going I wouldn't be surprised to see the following requirements:
Eleven pints of blood.
A score of 138%.
PhD in dei theory and application.

How am I doing? I'm thinking about becoming an advisor to our legislature.
[-] The following 4 users Like tommag's post:
20 rounds, no time, don't care what hand, 21 feet, 16 must fall in nine ring on B27 target. The hardest part for me is helping the 85 year old next to me from shooting someone on the line....
[-] The following 5 users Like Towtruck's post:
We don’t have a requirement to actually shoot a firearm to get your CCW

Attending a hunters safety course qualifies you as does spending $65 for a 4 hour CCW course

Going to be out of town for the yearly LEOSA qualification, will if I can qualify this year depending on when the makeup day is
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