[FPC News] FPC Petitions Supreme Court to Fix Circuit Split on Second Amendment Inju

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[FPC News] FPC Petitions Supreme Court to Fix Circuit Split on Second Amendment Inju

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 16, 2024) – Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court seeking to address an important circuit split and establish that an infringement of Second Amendment protected rights for any period of time is necessarily irreparable injury. This petition in both Gray v. Jennings and Graham v. Jennings, two consolidated FPC cases that challenge Delaware’s bans on so-called “assault weapons” and “large-capacity” magazines, comes from a misguided Third Circuit opinion holding that infringements of Second Amendment protected rights are not equal to abridgments under the First Amendment. The petition can be viewed at FPClaw.org.


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