How compulsive are you?

8 Replies, 1446 Views

If you had a Redding, model #3

[Image: IMG-0538.jpg]

How often would you weigh a charge? Let’s say you’re loading .44 mag, just high of center in the load bracket, for hunting.

Would your answer change if you were loading a grain under max (in the Hornady manual)?

What about .223 or .45 ACP for the range?
[-] The following 1 user Likes srjdsmith's post:
I usually check every 10th one but use a flashlight to look at all of them when they're together in the loading block. If I were on the ragged edge I might weigh every one. A lot depends on how nicely the powder meters. H335 vs 4064 or unique, for example.
[-] The following 2 users Like tommag's post:
I weigh about every tenth unless I'm pushing the upper limit, then I check every fifth. I also installed a short strip of LED white lights in the top of my press so I can visually check that powder is present before seating a bullet.
[-] The following 2 users Like olfart's post:
I weigh them at random.

[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
When I was chasing tiny groups in a rifle I would weigh every charge in addition to sorting brass by weight/uniforming primer pockets/ deburring flasholes/turning necks.
[-] The following 2 users Like tommag's post:
And then there's those who shoot Greek military surplus .30-'06 from an 81-yr-old Garand and still manage minute-of-buffalo accuracy with iron sights at 1,123 yds.
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(04-05-2024, 10:37 PM)olfart Wrote: And then there's those who shoot Greek military surplus .30-'06 from an 81-yr-old Garand and still manage minute-of-buffalo accuracy with iron sights at 1,123 yds.
The hxp was pretty good ammo. Is it still around?
In my closet, yes. Other than that, anybody's guess. I think CMP ran out of it several years ago unless they found another stockpile.
(04-06-2024, 08:11 AM)olfart Wrote: In my closet, yes. Other than that, anybody's guess. I think CMP ran out of it several years ago unless they found another stockpile.
I probably have 600 hxp 303 British I no longer need. Nobody around here wants it anymore.
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