I need your prayers!

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(10-08-2024, 05:18 PM)specops56 Wrote: Houdini is slowly improving. Her blood test yesterday showed some levels have improved slightly and none have gotten worse. She started eating solid food out of her bowel and continues today. She’s strong enough now that she can jump up on our bed and snuggle next to me or between my legs all night. I’m running a sleep deficit but it’s worth it!


Really glad to hear, love at home is an incredible healing power 

Vet bill yesterday for orthopedic & neurological exam was cheaper than expected but now they want to do a whole body CT scan at $5,500 or a spinal MRI at $6,500 😱😱😱😱

he is now on lyrica & couple other meds

He has lots of arthritis & crepatus and they
think something pushing against his spinal cord
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Just got Houdini back from her weekly re-check and blood test. All of her blood values are now in the normal range. Some just barely but still normal. She’s less jaundiced because her Bilirubin level is lower. She’s gained a little weight, about 7 ounces since last Tuesday. I’m going to increase her food by about a 4th and see how much she gains by her next appointment. They switched her now from 3 antibiotics to one. When her other meds run out we don’t have to get them refilled. Her next appointment is in 3 weeks and we should be able to have her feeding tube removed since we aren’t using it anymore. The vet wants to wait in case she has a relapse just as a precaution.
My beautiful little guardian angel is a fighter!!!

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Just got back from Houdini’s monthly re-check. She’s getting better and better! They removed the feeding tube from her neck since we were no longer using it and they’re no longer afraid she might have a relapse.Here is her lab report for today:

[Image: G4cwJWp.jpg]

When we first brought her home they were sure she wouldn’t make it. She proved them wrong!

[Image: INXKcMA.jpg]

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Excellent news, Terry!
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Nice that you colored your beard to match Houdini!
(11-05-2024, 08:31 PM)olfart Wrote: Nice that you colored your beard to match Houdini!

Nope. There's still a little of my original auburn buried in there. The flash brings it out. but if it would have helped her get better I would have died it pink, purple and green.

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