US Navy Shoots Down US Navy FA-18

3 Replies, 259 Views

We are living in a clown world 

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(12-21-2024, 11:52 PM)Rampy Wrote: [Image: IMG-7372.jpg]

[Image: IMG-7373.jpg]

I don't blame Biden for this. I blame the cowardly, Quisling Admirals and Generals who've willing participated in the destruction of our military starting with the Obama admin. They care more about keeping their lofty positions and contractor kickbacks than their own sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines or the country.

I pray that Trump will totally clean house at the Pentagon.

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An accounting from the Ripper Pilot shot down by the USS Gettysburg, pilot’s callsign “Fig”:

We fly, front side tank the strikers down to a 4.7, bingo to the ship and land. Gas up again, take off again, give DCA players another 15k

Land on the second flight, gas up again, things starting to cool down, strikers land, large DCA still up, they start to recover some DCA to re launch them. A dude pulls a Penny Benjamin/Dorothy and lands with a failed decoy out and we get stuck on deck for a bit

Finally launch, only 2 DCA remaining on station, some shit drones or whatever flying about, we get on station, I immediately commit myself in the 5 wet to try and get a kill with the 9x in the big girl

We give gas, hang out, Hawkeye goes negative primary, passed control to the ship who calls picture clean. Papa directs Rtb

Check out of DCA, Head towards home. Avoid the shotgun cruiser and destroyer by 15 miles, which was what they told us to do. We are up button 17, about 300 knots in the descent towards final bearing. All of a sudden we see a missile launch visually from the Gettysburg at our 2:30-3:00

We talked about it on ICS, Like "Yooooo that shit is crazy, I can't believe they're shooting a drone down"

Missile hits it's apex, and it looked exactly like the SFARP sact lecture animations, so congrats to all the top gun people who made them, confirmed that's what it looks like

Sm-2 rocket motor was lit for the entire time. I saw the missile make a correction to lead pursuit (yes I know what that looks like), and then come back to pure, and I asked blunder "dude, you want to get out?"

He said something, I don't remember what it was, and then I was just watching this thing guide, thinking about the only option being to eject, and I just grabbed the handle and pulled.

It was the most violent 5 seconds of anything I've ever experienced. Canopy immediately gone, I remember seeing the canopy bow disappearing below my sight line, and it getting dark. Arms and legs flail everywhere, I never said "eject" or anything on ICS just pulled. felt the opening shock of the parachute, and as soon as I looked up at a good parachute, I heard what I assess as the missile fusing, just a loud "POP"

Did IROK, Took off my mask, inflate LPU, Deploy the raft, and then contemplated life for the rest of the ride down

In the water, SEAWARS goes off, chute goes away, I never even saw it or felt any drag in the water. Raft inflated, I pulled myself over to it and climbed in like a fat idiot ginger would, it wasn't pretty. That's when I figured out my left knee and left shoulder were not In a great place.

Broke out the strobe, broke out the radio, IMM, no workie. Never got a fix on that POS. Went to LOS comms, never got a response on SAR (had the wrong frequency, user error), so I called out on UHF Guard, but also got no answer, but they heard me.

Blunder is like 100 yards from me lit up like a Christmas tree with sidewinder flashlight and strobe and everything, I thought it was a boat 😂

We drift closer together in 6-10' seas and eventually get within earshot. "You ok?" "Yup" "Bro what the fuck they shot at us!"

I was BIG MAD in the raft so mad they shot at us and thinking about being In the raft for the next however many hours.

Eventually blunder tells me the frequency I'm supposed to be on, like a good WSO, and I get in contact with the E-2 and the Helo.

20 mins later Helo is overtop us, they pick him up first because he is obviously more likeable than I am, and then I get picked up. 10 minute flight to get our story straight in the Helo. One of the aircrewmen had a zyn can in the Helo, and then I remembered I had a zyn can in my G suit pocket. Pulled it out and put the remaining 3 salt water soaked zyns in my mouth and high fived the rescue swimmer.”
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