any hams interested in a sked?

5 Replies, 39 Views

(6 hours ago)olfart Wrote: All of my HF antennas are inoperable at present. The triband beam is corroded, and the rotator no longer works. The G5RV ladder line feed is shot, and the antenna is draped over a tower guy wire. At 83 years old, I've lost my zest for climbing towers.

That is too bad. My antenna is a hexbeam at only 21' but it works well out to about 6000 miles, but I think it's low height gives me too high a takeoff angle to work much further than that.
Have you considered an endfed hw or a simple dipole? The most compromised antenna is better than none at all.
My neighbor had an endfed hw at only about 8' and he'd did ok but not as good as he now does with his hexbeam but it is only 28' agl due to his HOA restrictions.

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RE: any hams interested in a sked? - by tommag - 6 hours ago

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