good morning!

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It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood at 65 with clear sky and summer heat encroaching into the low 90s today. Gotta take the car in for an oil change today and see about installing a new catalytic converter. The dealer replaced the engine when we bought the car, but didn't replace the kittylitter converter at the time. And of course the maintenance agreement I bought for $1,500 doesn't cover it either.
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Good Morning AlphaRomeo!
Sunny and 63°, on its way up to 86° with a chance of an afternoon shower.
The roofers were here before 7:30am, and the dog isn't happy. They got right with the program and are almost done with the tear-off already. At the rate they're going they should be done by early afternoon.
[-] The following 3 users Like Longhair's post:
68 and bright sunshine with no rain in sight at my house. It didn't rain last night so I can get to work on my container garden today.

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Torrential rain then cleared up and got hot and sunny. I think you could watch the garden sprout- probably knock you over if you were standing on it.
[-] The following 2 users Like srjdsmith's post:
Went to let the dog out…… had snowed, not much & just some on the grass but ugh

Not good 🤣🤣
[-] The following 3 users Like Rampy's post:
Good morning! 67 out there this morning, expecting to hit lower 90s again this afternoon. Ugh! Got the rest of the garden tilled yesterday, now I need to get out and plant purplehull peas and okra. The ground should be plenty warm enough for them now, and maybe we'll get a little rain over the next couple of days to water them in.
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Good Morning AphaRomeo!
62° and overcast, going to 86° w/chance of heavy weather this afternoon.
Made it up to 86° yesterday, but it didn't slow those roofers down a bit. They had the job all done, cleaned up, and were gone by 3:00pm. I'm going to spend a little time tis morning tossing more junk in the dumpster since it's not full yet. I've got a chiropractor appointment this morning that will limit my time working on that, but if it hasn't been picked up by the time I get home I'll be back at it.
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73, sunny and clear at my house. Finished re-coning a speaker in a 1940s RCA radio and need to re-install it it in the chassis, do an alignment and put it back in the bakelite cabinet I re-painted. Then on to the next radio on the bench. I'm waiting for Fusion to send me a replacement 1911 barrel to replace the defective one the sent me the first time. They had drilled the link pin hole .0105" too small.

[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
Good muggy morning! 72 with high humidity, expecting 80% chance of rain this afternoon and tonight. Hope it doesn't wash away the purplehull peas I planted yesterday. I need to get okra planted this morning before the rain gets here.
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66 and sunny at my house. Supposed to head up to 90 or so today. No rain expected until the weekend. That usually means it'll start raining today.

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