VA house went blue, KY dem governor reelected, abortion wins by 13% in Ohio. There were some gop victories, but overall it doesn't look good.
I liked the sc ruling on abortion, but it appears it's been a driver of Democrat turnout. That's a sad commentary on our society, in my opinion.
There were only a couple school board races on my ballot and I don't know how they turned out yet.
3 out of 7 bond propositions for the local school district passed..could have been much worse..the State property tax relief passed, so even with school increase we came out ahead..
I’m thinking the home insurance companies figured early on to claim the property tax homeowner policy went up $928..
Our bond referendum lost. People get mad when I say it, but “we” have done it to ourselves. (Not ME per se, but being a conservative in education is pretty lonely.) As far as I can see, there are three factors and it’s one or a combination of those. People just don’t trust the school district. They don’t trust;
1) that their taxes really won’t go up with the bond referendum
2) that they will spend they money for what they say they want it for
3) that the projects are what the voters want, even if they do spend it as they say they’re going to
Schools have lost the trust of the public.
parents; “You’re teaching my child WHAT?!?”
schools; “Don’t question me- I’m a professional and you’re just an angry, illiterate conservative.”
In Iowa, voters are red and schools are blue.
Don’t understand how the 3 passed..everyone ended with “this will cause an increase in property tax..” my daughter’s a teacher but also a homeowner and voted against all 7..