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RE: Welcome to the NEW Forums! 07-30-2023, 12:37 AM 6
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Welcome to the NEW Forums! FOB
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I've been signed up for a while and am still wandering around learning.  It looks nice and viable here.   I don't know how much introduction to give. Suffice it to say I've been a reloader and competitive shooter since the mid-70s. I been using ARs since the 80's with an emphasis on competition up and close and put yonder.  Prarrie dogs are my favorite warm tarpromoting them. I've been doing extensive work with wildcat cartridges  and chamberingsthe  past 20 yearshelping  develop and promoting them. Everything from cartridge design to extensive load work ups have caused me to spend many hours at both the reloading and shooting bench. I spend quite a bit if time assisting other shooters and reloaders  from all over the world.  Trying to pass on my knowledge one bit at a time.   I'll chime in when I can. I always enjoy the socializing and sharing on a good board. Greg

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