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hkriflenut_aka_sasquatch's Most Liked Post
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Primary Arms ACSS Holosuns 09-15-2023, 11:55 PM 4
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Primary Arms ACSS Holosuns General Firearm Forums
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On Monday this week I had the pleasure of being the recipient of a 1 man CQB / Active Shooter Response course. Some may remember from my posting on the Armory, that last spring after the Nashville school shooting, my kid's school decided it needed security - and I became the security department for the school, all one of me. A concerned parent who is law enforcement brought up the issue that I've never received formal active shooter response - and he was right, and it's something I've wanted to do, but typically those courses have been LE only. I'd reached out to some trainers who said they wouldn't train a security monkey (my term) - but found a local training outfit run by a Houston cop that said yes. So two HPD officers, one who spent time on the SWAT team, gave me 8 hours of private instruction. It was a good course, eye opening to some things, and I walked away wanting to do it again - just need to figure out finances (meaning getting the school to give me a training budget if possible, because training ain't cheap!) During the course, I ran Glock simunition guns. The instructor brought three, which was good because we had failures with a couple. That gave me the opportunity to run two different sights - two different versions of sights I already own, those being the Holosun 507K, and the 509.  Right now I currently own a 507K, 509T, and EPS - all red, all multireticle versions.  The sights I got to use on his guns were a 507K in green, and a 509 Primary Arms edition with ACSS reticle. I am frickin in love with the ACSS chevron. Did not use the huge training wheels ring, just the chevron. I loved it - so much easier for my eyes to acquire, and it doesn't seem to get in the way or draw the same attention as the circle reticles do, and it doesn't star burst with my astigmatic eyes like a dot-only does. When I did my part and applied good fundamentals of marksmanship - my hits were fast and accurate. When that gun went down, I wound up running the green 507K - I've preferred green before on rifle dots, but that was before I moved to such a lush green property (going from Oregon to Texas, and finding the greens here more plentiful and vibrant was cool) I got away from green, because it disappeared.  What I found in the training scenarios was that I didn't visually process green nearly as easy as I did red against a human target - so I'm going to stick with red from now on. I'm about to the point that I might put a couple of my sights up for sale, to fund the 509 ACSS to stick on my duty gun. It was simply that much more superior to the standard versions for me.

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