Dang thieves! - Printable Version

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RE: Dang thieves! - hkriflenut_aka_sasquatch - 12-25-2023

(12-25-2023, 12:40 AM)tommag Wrote:
(12-24-2023, 10:48 PM)Rampy Wrote:
(12-24-2023, 08:46 PM)hkriflenut_aka_sasquatch Wrote:
(12-22-2023, 01:21 AM)Rampy Wrote: Good grief, that really sucks

I’ve been reading where in some city’s locals don’t lock the vehicle at all & even leave all windows down so thieves see nothing to steal but even then at times vehicles are vandalized

We're living in stupid times when good people have to go to great lengths to avoid victimization while the DA's coddle real criminals, criminalize defense, and degenerate nonsense is the norm.

I hope the pendulum swings back so far the other way that vigilantism is at least tolerated, if not outright made lawful again. The police in so many jurisdictions are afraid to do their job, or they've been handicapped thru policy, law, and the fear of being prosecuted that they're powerless to stop crime. I wouldn't mind seeing bands of vigilantes out on the streets busting the heads of thieves, rapists, pimps, robbers, and burglars. Honestly I think its all part of the controlled demolition of our Republic. The string pullers are bringing in hordes of illegals to be the foot soldiers in their perverted revolution.

Criminals are protected by the government & any vigilante action will be dealt with the full force of the law………

Meningitis, mersa and measles are tearing up northern Colorado currently along with syphilis  and TB for some reason & people are wondering why after dark criminals are stealing anything not nailed down & even taking trailers & generators chained up and people in the more rural areas are armed & saying they will shoot on sight any thief….

Even in town people are putting up tons of cameras and going armed as the homeless are really bold getting up in peoples faces demanding money and food & just harassing people sometimes in their yards……

Colorado is enabling these criminal aliens while Wyoming is going the way of vigilantism & it’s going to be ugly when it boils over……
It's all those cameras that help keep me in check, along with morality concerns. I'm pretty sure that gunshots and a body or two would have the authorities poring over footage much more carefully than stolen vehicle reports.
I don't blame the cops, but rather the da s and judges. Washington now has the lowest per Capita rate of police in the nation. I'm guessing most who are still on the job are keeping as low a profile as possible until they qualify for retirement.

Given Washington State's crusade against police, and passing laws to hinder them (like no-pursuits for most violations) as well as prosecutors going after the cops, I wouldn't do a single proactive thing as a cop in Washington, and wouldn't be in a rush to get to calls. 1.) the prosecutors won't do sheet about the criminals for the most part, 2.) the victims of crime are mostly going to be lefty weirdo ACAB'ers themselves and 3.) You're just taking a report that won't add up to anything because of number 1, unless the criminal is still there actively engaged, then if you get in a UoF situation you're going to be scrutinized up the patooter for daring use force against the good boy just on his way to doctor school who decided to strong arm someone, or assault them, or try killing them.

Texas and Florida are seeing hiring bonuses and some agencies are offering to pay moving expenses. Irving, Texas PD starts new recruits at $79k, and in less than six years your making $106k. That's base pay for a regular patrol cop. Not including shift differentials, bumps for certifications / degrees, OT, or increases if you bump in rank.  Cost of living is generally lower than on either left or right coasts, with better weather, and even the libby DA's aren't nearly as bad as those in places like Portland, Seattle, San Fran, or Denver.

I've met a lot of guys coming into our little area NW of Houston who are moving from Californistan - met a couple LAPD who jumped ship, some just retired, others said F-it and lateral in to an agency here. A shortened academy to familiarize themselves with Texas laws and they're on their way to earning a good retirement here.

RE: Dang thieves! - Rampy - 12-25-2023

Big city and leftist states are lowering the requirements to become a cop, more and more people who should never have been hired are getting hired and passing the academy

A Denver sheriff department was sued some years back for not hiring non us citizens as cops

Colorado, California and I forgot where changed state laws so illegal aliens can be hired as cops

ATF has quietly changed the law/rules & now illegal aliens/criminals here in America illegally can purchase/own firearms so they can be cops

One department in Colorado just graduated a illegal alien as law enforcement officer and want more cuz nobody wants to be a Colorado cop anymore

How can you expect a criminal to enforce the law without kickback from the public is beyond my comprehension but apparently Colorado is so progressive they are welcoming the criminal…….

Next up illegal aliens in the military

RE: Dang thieves! - specops56 - 12-25-2023

(12-25-2023, 02:51 PM)Rampy Wrote: Big city and leftist states are lowering the requirements to become a cop, more and more people who should never have been hired are getting hired and passing the academy

A Denver sheriff department was sued some years back for not hiring non us citizens as cops

Colorado, California and I forgot where changed state laws so illegal aliens can be hired as cops

ATF has quietly changed the law/rules & now illegal aliens/criminals here in America illegally can purchase/own firearms so they can be cops

One department in Colorado just graduated a illegal alien as law enforcement officer and want more cuz nobody wants to be a Colorado cop anymore

How can you expect a criminal to enforce the law without kickback from the public is beyond my comprehension but apparently Colorado is so progressive they are welcoming the criminal…….

Next up illegal aliens in the military

They need enforcers that won't hesitate to kill American citizens and take our guns.
