The question was what is your profession - Printable Version

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The question was what is your profession - tommag - 12-09-2023

It was asked on another forum. How did i do?

Professionally, I'm part of a team that facilitates the transcontinental migration of piscatorial species. My specialty is in navigation and expedited facilitation of said migration.  

Now that I've had a suitable amount of laxatives, my occupation is truckdriver that hauls mostly cryogenically treated fish.

RE: The question was what is your profession - specops56 - 12-09-2023

I'm a high;y trained and fully qualified adjustable chair and remote device operator! Occasionally I moonlight as a bottle to container transfer technician. Sometimes both at the same time.


RE: The question was what is your profession - olfart - 12-09-2023

I'm a professional retiree with 16 years' experience!

RE: The question was what is your profession - tommag - 12-09-2023

One of my daughters said I should rewrite her resume.

RE: The question was what is your profession - srjdsmith - 12-09-2023

I de-program and un-brainwash 10-12 year old biological computers and reprogram them to understand the world and think for themselves, in a governmentally sponsored holding facility for hormone-crazed adolescents, for 7 hours per weekday in 180 day cycles.The majority of the other keepers find it impossible to go straight and are constantly veering to the left in an attempt to steer the adolescents likewise.