good morning!

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(05-28-2024, 11:28 AM)specops56 Wrote: I mis-counted. I actually have 9 more war movies to go. One of them is Tom Hanks "Greyhound." I'm saving that one for last.


Watched Grayhound 3 time, excellent flick 
Masters of Air is also excellent, starts out slow with character development & then picks up to intense 

had th VA podiatrist appointment today…healing very slowly & still have the huge dressing & surgical boot 

Next week is last visit before leaving for Tennessee & I told the Doc boot has too go away for the duration of our trip & can’t cancel as this late no refunds from AFV Club

Don’t know what I’ll do if she tries to do the huge dressing next week……

figured out the miles, it’s 3,768 miles hotel to hotel & not counting and side trips or the day trip to Atlanta for G Garvin’s steakhouse Low Country Steak…

BHawk distillery in NC, Trump winery in VA & then Woodfoord Reserve, Buffalo Trace & Bulleit Distilleries in KY are on the list……..
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Good grief! It's morning? 65 headed for 82 with rain possible later. We had a 20% chance yesterday and got 0.9".
75 And getting hotter at my house. Got 5 more war flicks done yesterday. On;y 6 more to go.

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64 at my house. Supposed to get down to 55 by the weekend. Only 3 more movies to go. Gotta take our cat Flash to the vet again this morning. His breathing problems haven't gotten any better despite the meds.

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Good Morning AlphaRomeo!
Sorry I've been absent, but I've been busy running around getting nothing done (or so it seems).

43°F here this morning (Brrrr!), heading toward 70° this afternoon.
It's been tough to keep up with cutting grass and not make a huge mess when it's been raining every couple of days. Hoping things have dried out enough to mow the weeds in my paddocks sometime soon. Also hoping that they come and get the dumpster out of my driveway soon, it's only been here two weeks for a one day job.
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(05-30-2024, 11:03 AM)Longhair Wrote: Good Morning AlphaRomeo!
Sorry I've been absent, but I've been busy running around getting nothing done (or so it seems).

I feel your pain brother!

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Good afternoon! Sorry I'm tardy, but I refuse to go to the principal's office for a card.

We had a temp of 64 when I got up this morning, and it got all the way up to 67 by the time we got home from my cousin's funeral about an hour ago.
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Good morning! 63 here, going towards 80 with some rain later. I'm awaiting the biopsy results on my ear. Dermatologist said Wednesday she believes it's skin cancer. If it ain't one thing, it's ten others.
66 At my house. Had to take our cat Flash to the vet yesterday for testing to find out why he’s having respiratory distress. They ran $485 worth of tests and the news ain’t good. His lungs are full of fluid. They think he has FIP. They’re waiting for the results of one test they had another lab do.That will either confirm FIP or point to another cause. If it’s FIP then all we can do is give him the best life for the last few weeks of his life and then stop his suffering.
Flash is my little buddy. He was the first of the kittens to walk up and introduce himself to me:

[Image: ffgMOTA.jpg]

He follows me into the bathroom and guards me while I take my bath. If I have to let him go, this old man is going to cry a river and not be the least ashamed of it.

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(05-31-2024, 08:03 AM)specops56 Wrote: 66 At my house. Had to take our cat Flash to the vet yesterday for testing to find out why he’s having respiratory distress. They ran $485 worth of tests and the news ain’t good. His lungs are full of fluid. They think he has FIP. They’re waiting for the results of one test they had another lab do.That will either confirm FIP or point to another cause. If it’s FIP then all we can do is give him the best life for the last few weeks of his life and then stop his suffering.
Flash is my little buddy. He was the first of the kittens to walk up and introduce himself to me:

[Image: ffgMOTA.jpg]

He follows me into the bathroom and guards me while I take my bath. If I have to let him go, this old man is going to cry a river and not be the least ashamed of it.


Sorry to hear 😢😢 hopefully it won’t be the worst case scenario
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