good morning!

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(07-27-2024, 09:46 PM)tommag Wrote: I just read that the guy from Chico that started the fire pushed a burning car into a ravine. WTF?!!

His MOTHER's burning car, yet. Probably hoping to collect the insurance.
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67 and sunny here this morning, expecting a high in the low 90s. The past week has put July over the top for the most rain in a month for this year at 9.6". Of course Beryl gave us 6.2 of those inches, but that makes this the wettest July since I've been keeping records. Probably also the coolest July I've seen.
We had to take Pumpkinhead to the emergency vet clinic last night around 9pm. Somehow she cut herself on something, we don’t now what or how, but it obviously need stitches. We got there and they were pretty busy. We didn’t get back home until after 2am. The bill was around 500 bucks but she’s running around like nothing happened. We take her back on Aug. 4 to get her steroid shot and they’ll take the stitches out then.

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(07-27-2024, 09:46 PM)tommag Wrote: I just read that the guy from Chico that started the fire pushed a burning car into a ravine.  WTF?!!

[Image: IMG-2781.jpg]
74 with 80% humidity and 88 % of rain by afternoon at my house.

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73 headed to 93 with 94% humidity at my house. Might have to take Pumpkinhead back to the vet. One of her stitches looks like it's come loose.

74 and 86% humidity on the way to 96. Heat advisory in effect (no hock, Sherlock). And I need to mow the yard before it takes over the house.
Had to take Pumpkinhead back to the Vet today. She managed to get one of her stitches loose. Only 63 bucks this time. She's an expensive kitty but, lucky for her, we think she's worth it.

73 and wet at my house. Rain, thunder and lightening all night last night. It was like a string of smaller storms passing over my house one after the other. The good news is that with all this rain. some of my garden plants are coming back to life.

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We were supposed to get rain all week. Today it was 88° and humid, sunny clear blue skies.

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