silly things

24 Replies, 1037 Views

If you're a Patrick F McManus fan you'll enjoy this. If you're not, you will be.
[-] The following 1 user Likes tommag's post:
Geology ROCKS!

Yeah, but geography is where it's at!
[-] The following 2 users Like tommag's post:
Use as directed.    
[-] The following 2 users Like tommag's post:
Truth............... unfortunately!

[Image: gXo7nas.jpg]

[-] The following 2 users Like specops56's post:
A friend sent me this. I asked him if Amazon found his address ok.
[Image: 11544.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes tommag's post:
I like screwing with people. One of my favorites is when the fastfood people ask me if they can get a name from me. I respond with a sad face "Your parents didn't give you one?? That's so sad!"
I'm currently working on this one. Whispering " can see me?"" I really need an accomplice to pose as my brother explaining that I died in a gunfight/car crash or something and that I'm harmless to put the cherry on the top.
Any ideas?
[-] The following 1 user Likes tommag's post:
When paying out at a store, restaurant, etc. and the clerk automatically says, "Have a nice day!", I've been known to say, "I will not, and you can't make me." My wife hides her face and runs for the car when I do that, but it's fun to watch the clerk's expression.
[-] The following 2 users Like olfart's post:
I thought about running into a store and excitedly asking the clerk “What year is this?” After he tells me, get all excited and run out shouting “I made it! It worked….. it worked….!!!!!

[-] The following 2 users Like specops56's post:
(08-23-2024, 09:20 AM)specops56 Wrote: I thought about running into a store and excitedly asking the clerk “What year is this?” After he tells me, get all excited and run out shouting “I made it! It worked….. it worked….!!!!!

That's great!

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