Good morning! 70 this morning on its way to 98 every day for the foreseeable future. The fish fry went well last night, and the cheesecake was among the first to disappear from the dessert table. Guess it must've been good.
It's good to be typing on my laptop keyboard again for the first time in more than a year. Been using a USB keyboard since my onboard keyboard died. Finally replaced the bad board yesterday, and the new one is working great except for my fingers having to adapt from the 'ergonomic' USB board back to the flat laptop keyboard.
It's good to be typing on my laptop keyboard again for the first time in more than a year. Been using a USB keyboard since my onboard keyboard died. Finally replaced the bad board yesterday, and the new one is working great except for my fingers having to adapt from the 'ergonomic' USB board back to the flat laptop keyboard.