president Trump shot in Pennsylvania

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"A source within the Secret Service community tells RCP that the agency’s rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.

“You want to take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope?” the source asked. “The Secret Service is by nature reactive … and you better be right when you do react or you’re f-----d.”

First, that ROE is idiotic and is probably not in place for any other USSS protectee.

Second, letting that cat out of the bag should end the careers of everyone at the top of the USSS. The violation of OPSEC there is staggering and doesn't fall into line with how the USSS operates. I mean, are these the same men who are willing to give up their lives by jumping between the gunman and the target or are they all pantywaists now? I don't know what optics they are using but I would imagine they have more than 4x and could determine the difference between a scoped rifle and a telescope at 100 yards. Surely they have enough magnification and quality of optics to determine a rifle from a telescope. Or are they just dumber than a bag of hammers these days?

When Trump wins and takes office, the Federal government needs to be gutted of anyone who has ever supported democrats by any means to include simply voting for them. That is the only way to be sure to get the deep state out of the job.

They literally just told the world that you get a free shot at Trump before they deflate your skull for having a rifle while perched on a roof which has line of sight to a protectee. Seriously, put me 150 yards away from a person with clear line of sight and a scoped rifle of my choosing and the first shot is going to be impacting more meat than just an ear. You can be sure if he wasn't wearing body armor before this he will be wearing it now, but a rifle being pointed in even the general direction of POTUS or former POTUS or the next POTUS shouldn't require the bad guy gets to shoot first.

Really, anyone with mediocre training and skills could pull off a first shot kill at 130 yards on a man sized target. Hell, I have done it to squirrels with my .17HMR and if I was out to assassinate someone I wouldn't be using an HMR.
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RE: president Trump shot in Pennsylvania - by MontanaLon - 07-14-2024, 07:52 PM

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