My Dad is in the hospital in Victoria BC

11 Replies, 266 Views

Well, they did the surgery Thursday and he made it through but it was only partially successful. He needed 3 bypasses but he didn't have enough good vein to do all 3 and were only able to do 2 of them on the left side. The right side that was 100% blocked had sprouted new blood vessels from the left side and the 2 on the left were 75% blocked and were above the new vessels that were feeding the right side so those bypasses would also support the right side. Other than that the surgery went really well and he is already making progress. They got him up and walking Yesterday evening after they got him out of the cardiac ICU and he was able to walk a lap around the floor. Today he was up and made 3 laps around the floor and was moving faster than yesterday. They replaced the wire that held his sternum closed from the last surgery 40 years ago so hopefully the pain he had from one of those poking him in the chest muscles will be gone as well.

They've already weaned him off the heavy pain meds from after the surgery and he is handling the pain well on just Tylenol. He did have a lot of drainage from his chest tubes the first day and the docs said that was normal, especially because he had a lot of fluid around his heart before the surgery.

Thank you everyone for the prayers. They have worked. Hopefully he will be out of the hospital by next weekend and after another week in Canada after that for follow up he will be able to come home to continue his recovery.
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