East Coast/NJ Drone Wars

14 Replies, 70 Views

(10 hours ago)tommag Wrote: Copied from another site:
Another possibility related to the drone activity is that this is a US gov’t psyop to manipulate Congress to pass H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024). The current “FAA Authorization Act of 2018” expires on Dec 20, 2024. In other words, the current corruptocrats in power are trying to pass more Orwellian legislation on their way out the door.

Yep, a couple state democrats have called for this as well as NY Governor. Searching for nuclear weapons/radiation is another idea people are pushing and 4-6 others that sound plausible 

today people freaked out with military jets flying overhead, calling 911, hiding in the house, paranoia is running rampant 

Schumer laughed and called everyone names saying it’s not happening as well as a few others in the Biden administration doing the same & while they refuse to take any action to figure things out to the point of saying nobody has any authority to do anything 

the panic is real, mothers are afraid to send kids to school and more….its quite interesting watching it from the PsyOp point of view

You have multiple military bases in the area not to mention DC and everything in that swamp 

why not deploy military assets with radar/sensors to track/ID all the contacts people are freaking out about 

All trump has said washing ya cant ID them shoot em down 

The government has the capability to shoot them down using microwave technology, they have had a contract with Epirus for years 


Messages In This Thread
East Coast/NJ Drone Wars - by Rampy - Yesterday, 01:02 PM
RE: East Coast/NJ Drone Wars - by tommag - Yesterday, 01:59 PM
RE: East Coast/NJ Drone Wars - by specops56 - Yesterday, 02:55 PM
RE: East Coast/NJ Drone Wars - by Rampy - 6 hours ago

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