my silly time travel fantasy again.

3 Replies, 31 Views

(6 hours ago)MontanaLon Wrote:
(Yesterday, 11:12 AM)tommag Wrote: Watching the mountain men movie and their battles with the blackfeet. Imagine equipping them with ar15s loaded with 69 grain hollow points along with g17s for close quarters. A day spent familiarizing them with the weapons and they would present as 100 or more troops.
Of course, shear numbers are a big factor, but the advanced weaponry would make for some interesting outcomes.
Yeah, I know, the pain medicine I'm on is making me stupid.

Are we arming the Blackfeet or the Mountain Men?
The mountain men.

Messages In This Thread
my silly time travel fantasy again. - by tommag - Yesterday, 11:12 AM
RE: my silly time travel fantasy again. - by tommag - 4 hours ago

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