CVA Cascade

2 Replies, 1544 Views

I shot my daughter’s CVA Cascade in 350 Legend yesterday to start getting her ready for deer season. I am VERY impressed with this rifle! What a sweet shooting piece. Last year she shot two deer- one shot each- and neither one walked a step. The 350 L is such a mild recoil, it’s surprising how hard-hitting it is at the other end. My daughter likes a shorter pull and the Cascade has a convertible stock that has a removable slice to shorten it by an inch. I put a Vortex Diamondback on it because she likes the illuminated reticle. The combination makes for a real tack driver that is so sweet to shoot.

[Image: IMG-3969.jpg]
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Is that a factory camo job?

I just did my first camo painted rifle and I did a similar "sponge paint" technique.
(08-26-2023, 08:35 PM)Emptymag Wrote: Is that a factory camo job?

I just did my first camo painted rifle and I did a similar "sponge paint" technique.

Yes. Factory. She wanted pink, as her Mossberg 500 is pink camo, but your list of “must haves” and “should haves” can only be so long…

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