I've lost interest.

18 Replies, 2661 Views

Forgive me for this long rambling post.
I've never been a tacticool guy, my interest has always been accuracy so I shunned ar15s  until I shouldered one at a gun store, a dpms lite 16.  Dang, that felt right so it followed me home.  I loaded up my tried and true 52gr Bergers on top of some 322 powder.  Was I ever surprised! That stupid thing shot under .5 at 100  yards.  Thus began my quest with the AR-15 platform.  I've never competed in matches, only against my self. I don't give a damn about trophies.  Anyway, I ended up with my crowning achievement, a Bartlein heavy bbl  6.5 grendel thermofitted to a bcm blem upper. I chose the 6.5 because of the long history of success of the 22 russian based cases in the bench rest game. I like bcm uppers because they're slightly undersize requiring thermo fitting that results in great bedding. I don't care about lóoks just results. The blemished ones are far cheaper and adequate for my needs.
Surprisingly I bought a pencil thin bbl from gpc for $135 that came from a now defunct defense department manufacturer that the ATF shut down because of importation violations.  It's a chrome lined bbl and chromers aren't known for accuracy but that upper easily shot in the .7 range.
Anyhow, to sum it all up, I've lost interest in firearms and hang around here for the feeling of comradely.

Edit to add: I just remembered who made that chrome lined barrel. I was Sabre Defense.
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 12:23 AM by tommag.)
[-] The following 4 users Like tommag's post:
It happens! I find myself bouncing around from hobby to hobby somewhat often! But It's like a rotation anymore! I have several hobbies that I am fond of and I can take a break from one or another from time to time. I never lose enough interest to actually sell off favorite items...but then again, that may just be the hoarder in me talking, LOL!
[Image: image.php?u=3580&type=sigpic&dateline=1688129445]
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(06-13-2024, 04:50 AM)tommag Wrote: Forgive me for this long rambling post.
I've never been a tacticool guy, my interest has always been accuracy so I shunned ar15s  until I shouldered one at a gun store, a dpms lite 16.  Dang, that felt right so it followed me home.  I loaded up my tried and true 52gr Bergers on top of some 322 powder.  Was I ever surprised! That stupid thing shot under .5 at 100  yards.  Thus began my quest with the AR-15 platform.  I've never competed in matches, only against my self. I don't give a damn about trophies.  Anyway, I ended up with my crowning achievement, a Bartlein heavy bbl  6.5 grendel thermofitted to a bcm blem upper. I chose the 6.5 because of the long history of success of the 22 russian based cases in the bench rest game. I like bcm uppers because they're slightly undersize requiring thermo fitting that results in great bedding. I don't care about lóoks just results. The blemished ones are far cheaper and adequate for my needs.
Surprisingly I bought a pencil thin bbl from gpc for $135 that came from a now defunct defense department manufacturer that the ATF shut down because of importation violations.  It's a chrome lined bbl and chromers aren't known for accuracy but that upper easily shot in the .7 range.
Anyhow, to sum it all up, I've lost interest in firearms and hang around here for the feeling of comradely.

I'm not sure whether it's loss of interest or loss of ability to pay for ammo to keep the interest up. In my case, that seems to be the culprit. Last time I did any serious target shooting was 2019, and ammo has just kept going up.
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(06-13-2024, 04:50 AM)tommag Wrote: Forgive me for this long rambling post.
I've never been a tacticool guy, my interest has always been accuracy so I shunned ar15s  until I shouldered one at a gun store, a dpms lite 16.  Dang, that felt right so it followed me home.  I loaded up my tried and true 52gr Bergers on top of some 322 powder.  Was I ever surprised! That stupid thing shot under .5 at 100  yards.  Thus began my quest with the AR-15 platform.  I've never competed in matches, only against my self. I don't give a damn about trophies.  Anyway, I ended up with my crowning achievement, a Bartlein heavy bbl  6.5 grendel thermofitted to a bcm blem upper. I chose the 6.5 because of the long history of success of the 22 russian based cases in the bench rest game. I like bcm uppers because they're slightly undersize requiring thermo fitting that results in great bedding. I don't care about lóoks just results. The blemished ones are far cheaper and adequate for my needs.
Surprisingly I bought a pencil thin bbl from gpc for $135 that came from a now defunct defense department manufacturer that the ATF shut down because of importation violations.  It's a chrome lined bbl and chromers aren't known for accuracy but that upper easily shot in the .7 range.
Anyhow, to sum it all up, I've lost interest in firearms and hang around here for the feeling of comradely.

We don't care why you hang around, just that you do brother!

[-] The following 4 users Like specops56's post:
I haven't been to the range in about 2 years now. Too many things keep happening that gets in the way and takes up most of my time. I'm determined to remedy that soon. I also have several gun builds / customizing projects waiting in the wings. Lately I've been trying to finish several antiques radio restorations that have been in a partial state of repair on my bench for the same 2 years for the same reasons. Life really sucks when it gets in the way of what you really want to do.

[-] The following 5 users Like specops56's post:
I haven't lost interest, but I haven't shot nearly as much the last year or so because I've been busy getting caught up on all the crap I let slide while I can still do it myself. I've gotten enough done now that I hope to get back on the range soon, and I'm hoping that the coming stretch of hot wet weather doesn't spawn a bumper crop of mosquitos. Ammo cost doesn't help, but I reload, and I have enough components stocked up that I probably won't need to buy any the rest of my life. Likely the only thing that I'll spend money on is 9mm ammo, 'cause I don't bother reloading for that.
[-] The following 3 users Like Longhair's post:
Since my stroke I’ve lost all interest in long guns, tried to get into shotgun but blahhhhh

Revolvers tend to hold my interest as do handguns but I’ve not been shooting nearly enough

Life is constantly changing as are we
[-] The following 5 users Like Rampy's post:
I ebb and flow and since covid hit my gun hobby is on hold. The horses have consumed all my time other than working 16 hour days with two jobs. I’ll get back into it again… just not anytime soon.
[-] The following 4 users Like Towtruck's post:
I'm making plans to go to the range 2 days next week. I'll let y'all know how that turns out.

[-] The following 3 users Like specops56's post:
I mean, if a guy counted the number of non-gun comments vs gun comments, it would be very hard to fault someone for hanging around to talk about something other than guns!
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