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heirlooms, the time has come.

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tommag, 5 hours ago

One of my daughters really likes the cast iron I've given her.  The time has come to pass down my grandma's Griswold griddle and I trust her to keep it in the family rather than sell it. As near as I've been able to determine it's age, it was produced in 1909. it's way too big for me to cook on, living alone, I typically use only about a third of it to cook on, it actually gets in my way. Many years ago I gave her a round 10" griddle (flat, no sides like a skillet) that came from a friends estate. I'm thinking it's a bit small for her family size and it would be perfect for me. Do you guys think it would be crass to ask her to trade it with me? No matter what, she will get her great grandma's griswold. I've already passed down my Dad's guns,(my nephew absolutely loves his grandpa's 1947 m12 20 gauge). This is the last heirloom I can think of to pass down.  I'd hate to think I'll die and these things will just go to auction. I tried to give my m96 to a friend who treasured it but he insisted on paying for it. He loves that old swede as much as I did.
Sorry to be so morbid, but recent events have me thinking about such things.

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the zelenski press conference today7

US Politics    13 Replies

tommag, 02-28-2025, 09:05 PM

On the talk shows I heard clips and I thought zelenski had it coming to him. I got a call from my best friend who is a hardcore conservative and big fan of Trump and Vance that had a different take on it. He urged me to watch the whole thing on YouTube so I did.
My take is that Trump and Vance should've ironed out their differences in private, not in public. They humiliated zelenski in public which should never happen. I do believe this will seal the complete annihilation of Ukraine. I can imagine Russia, China, and the Norks salivating over this. Not that we need to provide more munitions, I think if American companies were mining there and we had some troops there it would serve as a strong tripwire.
Not President Trump's finest hour!

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Fried Corn Meal Mush….

Food and Beverage    2 Replies

Rampy, 02-27-2025, 02:01 AM

Stumbled across this video, going to give it another try 


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hospital again

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tommag, 02-26-2025, 06:24 PM

Saturday I started feeling woozy and disoriented and it felt like my friends description of his stroke. I called 911and they took me to the ER. Turned out to be very low blood sugar. They fixed that but I still was in bad shape so I spent 4 days undergoing lots of tests. Lots of theories and lots of tests. I improved but I'm still not all there. They pumped me full of drugs and minerals and released me.
I got home to find one of my guy wires had become unattached. I mentioned that to Bill (kb7epr) and he came over and fixed that as well as putting up a skybridge for my cables. As usual, "Tom you just sit and watch!" I'm so grateful for all my radio friends!

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This has started showing up in people’s mailboxes around here!

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specops56, 02-24-2025, 09:29 AM

This has started showing up in people’s mailboxes around here!

[Image: DsrbGSI.jpg]

MORONS. All those corporations will do is raise prices to make up for the losses. The only peole it will hurt is all of US already struggling!

[Image: yp3hA7Y.jpg]


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