good morning!

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Good morning everyone. 34° but sunny in eastern Iowa. We won’t see 70° until next weekend. People who put in early gardens are scrambling to cover them every night.
[-] The following 1 user Likes srjdsmith's post:
Good morning. 45° here and a little windy.
48 at my house right now. I'm up a couple of hours early this morning. Our cats managed to get our bedroom door open and gave us a wake up call. Gonna have to take Flash to the vet if they can fit us in. He's been coughing and breathing a bit fast the last couple of days. This is Flash when he first walked up to me and introduced himself:

[Image: ffgMOTA.jpg]

Flash now:

[Image: Dx3fRLQ.jpg]

[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
Good morning! It's a brisk 37 here this morning on its way to 71.
The new baby goat made her appearance yesterday. Her name is Anise (because she looks like licorice). Mom and baby are doing fine.
Another new family member adopted us last week. Since I haven't been able to find her a home, I guess she's ours. Now if I could figure out what she is... besides Dolly.

[Image: Anise-1.jpg]

[Image: Dolly-1.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like olfart's post:
Just got back from the vet. So far they suspect it's either asthma, allergy or both. She gave us some pills to give him for a week. If that doesn't improve his breathing or it gets worse we bring him back for more tests. 93 Bucks for the exam and meds. He's worth a lot more than that to us! He made his displeasure known to the vet by drawing some of her blood! He's a feisty one!

(This post was last modified: 04-22-2024, 04:36 PM by specops56.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
Good morning! 41 here en route to 77. Looks like a beautiful day. Anise, the new baby goat, appears to be overeating, which causes diarrhea. Gave her some bicarbonate of soda last night to try and settle that down.
46 at my house. Drinking some hot Jamaican Rum flavored coffee for something different. Mighty tasty!

[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
Good morning. It's 46 headed for a high of 65 today. Winds are 5-10, making it a good day to undo my guy ropes and get the antenna up another ten feet. Currently it's only up to about 13 feet. Another 10 feet will make a huge difference. Neighbor lady is coming to help with that after work.
[-] The following 1 user Likes tommag's post:
Finally dropped off my wife's Honda with my mechanic. Not sure what's causing the ABS system problem. We replaced the ABS controller a couple of months ago and that seemed to fix it. Now it's doing the same thing it did before. Whatever it is I'm sure it won't be cheap. It never is.

[-] The following 1 user Likes specops56's post:
Went out to do what I could without help on the antenna so I don't keep Shannon any longer than necessary after work. Using the ladder hurts like crazy, but I'm glad I did. The coax was chafing on the rotator clamps. The shrink tube I put on them should stop that as well as rerouting the coax.
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