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RE: My Keltec KS7 before & after! 07-19-2023, 07:28 AM 3
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My Keltec KS7 before & after! Other Weapons
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specops56 Wrote: (07-18-2023, 01:35 PM) -- Paul is one of the guys I sub to. I like the meat target. And you gotta love his delivery since he is, what you call, a professional. I've also seen gel tests showing good penetration and damage. I just wish I could find some actual SD shooting performance data. Terry -- You're not going to find any because stuff like shell size isn't tracked. Gauge, yes, to some extent. The best you might find is hunting related data, but in most cases it will be anecdotal.  Gel blocks, torso analogs, and meat targets, and the like, give people a decent idea of how a round will perform.  Especially when other mediums like clothing are used to simulate real world conditions. I've seen enough tests of mini shells to know that they will penetrate far enough to do significant damage to a non-armored opponent. They're not as powerful as full sized shells, but inside a house they don't have to be. And if I'm worried about armored critters, a shotgun isn't the tool for the job, anyway.

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